
Westerveld, Aimée2023Long-term Risk of Subsequent Malignant and Benign Neoplasms After Childhood Neuroblastoma: A DCCSS-LATER 3 StudyISLCCC 2023, Atlanta, USA
Wang, Yuehan2023Risk of subsequent breast cancer associated with chest radiation field and dose among female childhood cancer survivors: a report from the International Consortium for Pooled Studies on Subsequent MalignanciesISLCCC 2023, Atlanta, USA
Teepen, Jop2023Incidence, risk factors, and clinical characteristics of cerebrovascular events among childhood cancer survivors treated with upper body radiotherapy in the DCCSS-LATER cohortISLCCC 2023, Atlanta, USA
Houtman, Bente2023Treatments affecting splenic function as a risk factor for valvular heart disease in Childhood Cancer Survivors; a DCCSS-LATER studyISLCCC 2023, Atlanta, USA
Priboi, Cristina2023Psychosexual development, sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction in long term childhood cancer survivors: DCCSS-LATER 2 Sexuality SubstudyEuropean Society for Sexual Medicine congress Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Maas, Anne2023Positive and negative survivor-specific psychosocial consequences of childhood cancer: the DCCSS-LATER 2 psycho-oncology study SIOP 2023, Ottawa, USA
Priboi, Cristina2023Psychosexual development, sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction in long term childhood cancer survivors: DCCSS-LATER 2 Sexuality SubstudyResearch Symposium Health Lucerne, Switzerland
Atteveld, Jenneke2022Frailty and sarcopenia and the association with bone mineral density within the earliest national Dutch childhood cancer survivor cohort: a DCCSS-LATER 2 Study
American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Atteveld, Jenneke2022Risk and determinants of reduced bone mineral density and fractures in a national cohort of Dutch childhood cancer survivors: a DCCSS-LATER 2 studyAmerican Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Penson, Adriaan2022The impact of cancer-related fatigue on HRQOL in long-term survivors of childhood cancer; a DCCSS-LATER studyFirst International Cancer Survivor Symposium, Bern, Switzerland
Feijen, Lieke2022Detection of abnormal values of cardiac function and associated markers in childhood cancer survivors: a cross-sectional studyFirst International Pediatric Cardio-Oncology Conference, Cincinnati OH, USA
Atteveld, Jenneke2022Frailty and sarcopenia and the association with bone mineral density within the earliest national Dutch childhood cancer survivor cohort: a DCCSS-LATER 2 Study
International Conference on Children’s Bone Health, Dublin, Ireland
Atteveld, Jenneke2022Risk and determinants of reduced bone mineral density and fractures in a national cohort of Dutch childhood cancer survivors: a DCCSS-LATER 2 studyInternational Conference on Children’s Bone Health, Dublin, Ireland
Kooijmans, Esmee2022Long-term glomerular dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors; DCCSS-LATER 2 Renal studyIPNA, Calgary, Canada
Claessens, Joyce2022Desire for children and use of reproductive health care among male survivors of childhood cancer: a DCCSS-LATER 1 study ISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
De Baat, Esmee2022Risk factors for heart failure among Pan-European childhood cancer survivors: a PanCareSurFup & ProCardio cohort and nested case-control studyISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Kooijmans, Esmee2022Long-term glomerular dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors; DCCSS-LATER 2 Renal studyISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Leerink, Jan2022Blood biomarkers for ruling out cardiac dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors: A report from the Dutch Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (DCCSS-LATER 2 CARD).ISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Maas, Anne2022Psychosocial outcomes in long-term dutch adult survivors of childhood cancer: the DCCSS-LATER 2 psycho-oncology studyISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Merkx, Remy2022Echocardiographic Similarity of Childhood Cancer Survivors and their Siblings Using Machine Learning: Results from the DCCSS-LATER 2 CARD Study.ISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Penson, Adriaan2022Assessing fatigue in childhood cancer survivors: Psychometric properties of the Checklist Individual Strength and the Short Fatigue Questionnaire – a DCCSS-LATER studyISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Priboi, Cristina2022Sexual experience, sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction in childhood cancer survivorsISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Stolze, Juliette2022Prevalence and risk factors for hyposalivation and xerostomia in childhood cancer survivors – a LATER-2 DCCSS Clinical StudyISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Streefkerk, Nina2022The cumulative burden of symptomatic outcomes in long-term childhood cancer survivors and implications for survivorship care: a DCCSS-LATER studyISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Verburggen, Lisanne2022Incidence and clinical characteristics of cerebrovascular events among long- term childhood cancer survivors treated with upper body radiation therapy in the DCCSS-LATER cohortISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Wang, Yuehan2022Anthracycline-associated risk of subsequent breast cancer in female childhood cancer survivors: a report from the International Consortium for Pooled Studies on Subsequent MalignanciesISLCCC 2022, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Van Kalsbeek, Rebecca2022Late pulmonary dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors treated with cyclophosphamide – a Dutch population-based cohort studyPanCare Budapest, Hungary
Atteveld, Jenneke2022Frailty and sarcopenia and the association with bone mineral density within the earliest national Dutch childhood cancer survivor cohort: a DCCSS-LATER 2 StudySIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Bouwman, Eline2022Prevalence and risk factors of unhealthy lifestyle behaviors among survivors of childhood cancer in the netherlands; a DCCSS-LATER 1 questionnaire studySIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Claessens, Joyce2022Desire for children and use of reproductive health care among male survivors of childhood cancer: a DCCSS-LATER 1 study SIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Maas, Anne2022Psychosocial outcomes in long-term dutch adult survivors of childhood cancer: the DCCSS-LATER 2 psycho-oncology studySIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Merkx, Remy2022SYSTOLIC dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors on echocardiography: sex-specific Effects and risk beyond cardiotoxic exposures. Results from the DCCSS-LATER 2 CARD Study.SIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Penson, Adriaan2022The impact of cancer-related fatigue on HRQOL in long-term survivors of childhood cancer; a DCCSS-LATER studySIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Penson, Adriaan2022Assessing fatigue in childhood cancer survivors: Psychometric properties of the Checklist Individual Strength and the Short Fatigue Questionnaire – a DCCSS-LATER studySIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Verburggen, Lisanne2022Incidence and clinical characteristics of cerebrovascular events among long-term childhood cancer survivors treated with upper body radiation therapy in the DCCSS LATER cohortSIOP 2022, Barcelona, Spain.
Kooijmans, Esmee2021Hypertension in childhood cancer survivors after treatment with potentially nephrotoxic therapy and the added value of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; dccss-later 2: rena.ESPN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Kooijmans, Esmee2021Tubular dysfunction and treatment-related risk factors in long-term childhood cancer survivors; DCCSS-LATER 2: rena. ESPN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Kooijmans, Esmee2021Hypertension in childhood cancer survivors after treatment with potentially nephrotoxic therapy and the added value of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; dccss-later 2: rena.SIOP 2021, online congress
Kooijmans, Esmee2021Tubular dysfunction and treatment-related risk factors in long-term childhood cancer survivors; DCCSS-LATER 2: rena.SIOP 2021, online congress
Maas, Anne2021Psychosocial developmental trajectory of young adult survivors of childhood cancer: survivors of central nervous system cancer at riskSIOP 2021, online congress
van Gorp, Marloes2021Psychosocial functioning of parents of dutch long-term survivors of childhood cancer SIOP 2021, online congress
van Gorp, Marloes2021Impaired health-related quality of life of male and female survivors of childhood cancer: results from the DCCSS-LATER 2 psycho-oncology studySIOP 2021, online congress
Meijer, Annelot2020Risk Factors associated with Tinnitus in 2,948 Dutch Survivors of Childhood Cancer: a Dutch LATER questionnaire study?
Leerink, Jan2020Plasma markers for detection of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy in childhood cancer survivors: A nested case-control study in the Dutch LATER cohort study.ESC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Merkx, Remy2020Cardiac Function in Childhood Cancer Survivors Treated with Vincristine: Echocardiographic Results from the DCCSS-LATER 2 CARD Study.ESC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Leerink, Jan2019Targeted proteomics to identify early diagnostic biomarkers for anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy in long-term survivors of childhood cancer.HFSA, Philadelphia PA, USA
Feijen, Lieke2019High risk of symptomatic cardiac ischemia in a pan-european cohort of childhood cancer survivors: a pancaresurfup studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Kok, Judith2019Radiotherapy experience of long-term childhood cancer survivors in the netherlands: characteristics and temporal trends (1963-2001). DCOG-LATER cohortNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Kooijmans, Esmee2019Hypertension in childhood cancer survivors treated with potentially nephrotoxic therapy: evaluation of prevalence, risk factors and the use of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement, a DCOG-LATER studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Kooijmans, Esmee2019Hypertension in childhood cancer survivors treated with potentially nephrotoxic therapy: evaluation of prevalence, risk factors and the use of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement, a DCOG-LATER studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Leerink, Jan2019Diagnostic tools for early detection of cardiac dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors: methodological aspects of the cross-sectional cardiac DCOG-LATER studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Leerink, Jan2019The value of left ventricular ejection fraction at first long-term follow-up echocardiogram in the screening for cardiomyopathy in long-term survivors of childhood cancer.NASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Leerink, Jan2019Diagnostic tools for early detection of cardiac dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors: methodological aspects of the cross-sectional cardiac DCOG-LATER study.NASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Merkx, Remy2019Diagnostic tools for early detection of cardiac dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors: methodological aspects of the cross-sectional cardiac DCOG-LATER study.NASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Reulen, Raoul2019230 subsequent primary bone tumours in 69,460 survivors of childhood cancer: pan-european pooled nested case-control study within pancaresurfupNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Streefkerk, Nina2019High hospitalization rates in 5,650 long-term childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER linkage studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Teepen, Jop2019Long-term risk of skin cancer among childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER cohort studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Verbruggen, Lisanne2019Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of subsequent meningiomas among longterm childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER studyNASLCCC 2019, Atlanta GA, USA
Kok, Judith2019Risk of benign meningioma after childhood cancer in the DCOG-LATER cohort: contributions of radiation dose, exposed cranial volume, and agePALGA prijs, The Netherlands
Leerink, Jan2018Evolution of asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction in 380 long-term survivors of childhood cancerHFSA, Nashville TN, USA
Teepen, Jop2017Histologically-confirmed colorectal adenoma after childhood cancer treatment: a DCOG-LATER record linkage study NASLCCC 2017, Atlanta, USA
Clemens, Eva2016Determinants of irreverisible ototoxicity in 451 platinum-treated Dutch survivors of childhood cancer: a DCOG-LATER studyESLCCC 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Clemens, Eva2016Hearing loss after platinum-treatment is irreversible at long-term follow-up in non-cranial irradiated CCS, a DCOG studyESLCCC 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Teepen, Jop2016Chemotherapy-related risks of subsequent solid cancer, breast cancer, and sarcoma among childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER cohort studyESLCCC 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
van de Loo, Laurence2016Uterine volume, pregnancy complications and pregnancy outcomes among female childhood cancer survivors treated with radiotherapy involving the uterusESLCCC 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
van den Berg, Marleen2016Effect of cancer and its treatment on ovarian function markers in long-term female survivors of childhood cancerESLCCC 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
van Dijk, Marloes2016Use and success rates of assisted reproductive techniques among female survivors of childhood cancer: results of the DCOG-LATER-VEVO studyESLCCC 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Teepen, Jop2015Subsequent colorectal adenomas in childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER record linkage studyESTRO, Torino, Italia
Clemens, Eva2015The influence of co-medication on platinum-related ototoxicity in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: a descriptive DCOG studyNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
Dulmen-Den Broeder, E2015Breastfeeding in dutch female survivors of childhood cancerNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
Feijen, Lieke2015Incidence of symptomatic cardiac chronic health conditions and associated risk factors in a natwionwide dutch cohort of 5-year childhood cancer survivors; a DCOG-LATER studyNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
Kilsdonk, Ellen2015Overall and cause-specific late mortality in childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER cohort studyNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
Teepen, Jop2015Long-term risk of second malignant neoplasms among childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER cohort studyNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
van den Berg, M2015Uterine volume and blood flow in childhood cancer survivors treated with radiotherapy involving the uterusNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
van den Berg, Marleen2015The value of anti-mullerian hormone, fsh, and inhibin b as measures of antral follicle count in childhood cancer survivorsNASLCCC 2015, Arlington VA, USA
Teepen, Jop2014The long-term risk of SMNs and associated treatment-related and lifestyle risk factors in a large cohort of survivors of childhood cancer.Amsterdam Kindersymposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Teepen, Jop2014Design of a nested case-control study to assess the radiation dose-response relationship for basal cell carcinoma in childhood cancer survivors: a DCOG-LATER study Radiation and Health annual conference, Las Vegas, USA
Ronkers, Cecile2013The DCOG-LATER study; a national collaboration of the late effects of childhood cancer task force of the dutch childhood oncology groupNASLCCC 2013, Memphis TN, USA
Ronkers, Cecile2011The DCOG-LATER cohort of childhood cancer survivors in the NetherlandsESLCCC 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tissing, Wim2011The DCOG-LATER Q2008 study: late effects in childhood cancer survivors in a naon-wide cohort in the NetherlandsESLCCC 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Kremer, Leontien2009The Dutch DCOG-LATER GroupESLCCC 2009, Edinburgh, UK
Ronkers, Cecile2007LATER: A nation-wide registry of 5-year survivors of childhood cancer in the NetherlandsESLCCC 2007, Lund, Sweden