DCCSS-LATER study part 2

Nationwide cohortstudy outpatient clinic visit & questionnaire studies

~2400 survivors (also) participated in the DCCSS-LATER study part 2 and visited the LATER outpatient clinic for additional medical data and blood sample collection. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36651687/

StudyTitlePI’s and researchers
Overall coordination DCCSS LATER 2 infrastructureDCCSS LATER 2 infrastructure: The nationwide LATER Study: medical assessment of adverse health outcomes in Dutch childhood cancer survivors: outpatient clinic & questionnaires (KiKa ODAS)L. Kremer*, E. Van Dulmen-den Broeder, W. Tissing, J. Loonen, A. de Vries
DCCSS LATER 2 infrastructure geneticsDCCSS LATER 2 infrastructure: Genetic determinants of late toxicities among childhood cancer survivors (Kika row and other projects)L. Kremer, W. Tissing, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder, J. Loonen, M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink
DCCSS LATER 2 substudies 
SMNDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Second primary malignancies after childhood cancer, focus on breast cancerC. Ronckers*, F. van Leeuwen, H. van der Pal
THYRDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Thyroid function, in children and adults, after treatment for childhood cancerC. Ronckers*, H. van Santen, H. van der Pal
EGHADCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Adult growth hormone deficiency in childhood cancer survivors (ErasmusMC)S. Neggers*, M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, W. Tissing
METSDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Metabolic syndrome parameters in adult survivors of childhood cancerS. Neggers*, M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, W. Tissing   PhD: V. Pluimakers
FRTMDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Impaired spermatogenesis and testosterone deficiency in male survivors of childhood cancer (KWF)J. Loonen*, C. Beerendonk, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder  
PhD: J. Claessens
BONEDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Bone mineral density and body composition in survivors of childhood cancer (KiKa)M. van den Heuvel-Eibrink, S. Neggers  
PhD: J. Atteveld
SEXPDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Sexuality and psychosexual development in childhood cancer survivorsE. van Dulmen-den Broeder*, M. Grootenhuis, J. Laven  
PhD: C. Priboi
CARDDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Late cardiovascular toxicity in long-term childhood cancer survivors (Hartstichting)L. Kremer*, E. Feijen, A. Mavinkurve-Groothuis, W. Kok, L. Kapusta, J. Loonen  
PhD: E. de Baat, J. Leerink, R. Merkx
RENADCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Long-term renal effects in Dutch survivors of childhood cancer (KWF)M. Veening*, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder, A. Bokenkamp, H. van der Pal  
PhD: E. Kooijmans
PULMDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Is pulmonary dysfunction a late effect of cyclophosphamide treatment? (ODAS)A. Versluys*, D. Bresters,  L. Kremer, C. Ronckers L. Feijen  
PhD: R. van Kalsbeek
FATIDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Cancer related fatigue in childhood cancer survivors (KWF)J. Loonen*, H. Knoop,  
PhD: S. van Deuren, A. Penson
PSYSDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Long-term psychosocial consequences of childhood cancer (KiKa)M. Grootenhuis*, L. Kremer, H. Maurice-Stam en M. van Gorp
PhD students: A. Maas en M. Joosten.
SPLEDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Prevention of Overwhelming Infection in Hyposplenic or Asplenic Cancer Survivors (CS); Obtaining Evidence to adjust the Guidelines (Radboudumc)J. Loonen*, I. Walraven  
PhD: B. Houtman
SALIDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Hyposalivation in long-term survivors of pediatric cancers following different treatment regimens (KiKa)D. Bresters*, J. Loonen, J. Raber-Durlacher, H. Brand  
PhD: J.Stolze
SKINDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Late, benign sequelae of childhood cancer treatment on the skin  J. Loonen*, J. Teepen, L. Kremer
Lifestyle and agingDCCSS LATER 2 substudy: Lifestyle and aging (Maxima)S. Pluijm